Over Land and Sea Wildlife Exhibition

March 25, 2024
All Day

This exhibition brings our community the rare chance to see internationally acclaimed painters and sculptors working in the genre of animal art. Learn what draws them to the animals they choose to portray in their art and their methodologies for creating. Many of these artists are members of the The Society of Animal Artists (SAA) exhibiting their works in galleries and museums across the world. President of SAA, Renee Bemis, addressed the members by saying, “As animal artists, we share a deep connection to Mother Earth – and we express our appreciation and concern for our planet through our art. In doing so, the public is made aware of just how important the animal kingdom is to our human spirit. Be inventive, inspired and courageous in your art, for you are the voice of the animals.”

Works by Joy Beckner, Jeff Birchill, Beatrice Bork, Carel Brest van Kempen, Jamie Cassaboon, Tim Donovan,
Lori Dunn, Martin Gates, Christine Knapp, Judy Lalingo, Walter Matia, Calvin Nicholls, Carrie Nygren,
Patricia Pepin, Anne Peyton, John Plishka, Jan McAllaster Stommes, Chris Wilson, Sherrie York