James Hood’s Mesmerica

October 28, 2023
3:15 pm - 6:45 pm

Mesmerica is a visual music journey that brings the mesmerizing music of Grammy-nominated composer and percussionist James Hood together with visually-hypnotic, 3D animated art curated from artists around the world, creating an immersive experience designed to transcend time, relax, soothe, and stimulate your mind and senses…

“I want ‘Mesmerica’ to inspire you into taking a journey with me inside the mind, to engage your senses and feelings with a miraculous alchemy of sound and light!”

– James Hood, Show Creator

Show Times & Seating Schedule

  • Check-in begins 30 minutes before each show.

    Please note:

  • VIP ticket holders are invited to enjoy early seat selection in the planetarium, up to 15 minutes before show start time.
  • We recommend arriving during the 30-minute check-in window.
    Guests arriving earlier may be asked to return during the check-in window.
  • Arriving during the check-in window increases your chance of choosing your preferred seat.
  • Latecomers will not be admitted.

Additional Venue Information

No food and drink are allowed in the planetarium.