

 VizionVR is a locally owned arcade that takes people to another world, using virtual reality. Like an arcade from the 80s, with a modern twist, it takes people into the world of virtual reality through games and experiences.

For a standard experience, provides 3 tickets into the holodeck and your own personal 9'x9' VR booth to be shared amongst your party. Bookings range from 1 hour and up, with discounts for longer stays. All 50+ games are available to be chosen from inside the headset during playtime, and a simple VR tutorial will be shown for first-timers. VR, or 'Virtual Reality' is a new technology which allows you to put a device over your eyes and experience a whole new world. Because this new world doesn't really exist, there's close to no limitations to what you can do inside of it.

Explore the world, fly, paint in 3D, fight off zombies, travel on epic fantasy adventures, and play sports are just some of the few methods VR has been used for entertainment. There's plenty more to explore and experience in VR, so book today for the full experience!