
Ditch Pond Heritage Preserve/Wildlife Management Area

Equestrian, Hunting, Nature Viewing, Hiking, Canoes, Biking

Located in Aiken and Barnwell counties, South Carolina. Ditch Pond Heritage Preserve is owned and managed by the S.C. Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR). Comprising 296 acres, Ditch Pond HP contains a Carolina bay that was first documented in 1973. Carolina bays are elliptically shaped, wet depressions that range in size from one acre to more than 1,000 acres. Approximately 98 percent of Carolina bays in South Carolina have been altered from their natural state. However, the bay at Ditch Pond, consisting of approximately 25 acres, has remained intact. Eight rare plant species of concern have been found on the property. They include blue maidencane, Robbin’s spikerush, creeping St. John’s wort, piedmont water milfoil, awned meadow beauty, slender arrowhead, Florida bladderwort and piedmont bladderwort.