
Aiken Wellness Spa

Aiken Wellness Spa’s mission and focus is to provide holistic wellness offerings to the CSRA. In one location, visitors can detox in their infrared sauna, reduce allergy symptoms and support lungs in the individual salt cave while lowering inflammation and boosting collagen with red light therapy.

They also have other modalities to support your holistic journey with ionic detox foot baths that have been shown to help the body detox toxins and heavy metals, a PEMF cocoon to reduce pain and inflammation naturally.

They offer organic facials and massages using only clean, non toxic organic oils, lotions and other high quality skin care products. They offer Chinese medicine consults and acupuncture and have over 100 organic herbs and spices in their bulk herb section that visitors can enjoy for a cup of tea or fill a whole bag to take home at very affordable prices. They have organic supplements, body care, candles, home cleaning supplies and even clean laundry detergent so you can truly make your home non toxic.

Stop in today to relax and enjoy!